04 September 2011

Buzzing minds

I read

The carpet are so deep that I've never heard a footstep, but even at four in the morning you can feel the hum if five hundred minds are buzzing on every side of you: people dreaming, hoping, worrying, planning, thinking.
Faithful Place, Tana French

... therefore, I think!

Ever woke up in the middle of the night and you have the feeling you hear noise, but in fact what you hear is silence. Silence can be noisy!

Listening to Silence!
Oh, that can be hard. When you want to listen to nothing you mind keeps wanting to go everywhere. It thinks by itself! before you control your mind, you really need to train it to focus: you keep hearing the house cracking, the fridge, a pop that you cannot figure where it comes from but you make a mental note to check the faucet in the bathroom, the bed sheets, the bed frame, you can hear the electricity in the house.

It never stops.
Until you decide that you will focus on you. You want to hear something? Listen to your breathing, your stomach making gloo gloo, your blood running in your veins, your hair growing ... Ok maybe not! but the point if to focus on us, making abstraction of the outside world to just listen to nothing. Free your mind : your mind full of junk! The inbox is full.

Dreaming? I dream about what? F*?%$ ing work! Can we just disconnect for what few hours a day? Can I just free myself from "working" all the time? Yes, I can! Just need to put my mind into it and practice to do nothing ... and not feel guilty about.

On this, this weekend is Labor Day weekend and we do not work on Monday ...so ENJOY!!! and do nothing that you do not want to do! 

Have a nice day off!

6 commentaires:

Anonymous said...

Labor Day week-end is a week-end for work my dear friend!!! I made my fruit ketchup and my salsa for the year and dismantled my spa for the winter season... But my work is all done, all I have to do on Labor Day is to focus on my breathing and my reading. What else can we do when it's supposed to rain? So Happy Labor Day! JLau

Anonymous said...

Et moi, j'ai tout juste eu le temps de tondre le gazon avant qu'il pleuve dimanche. Speaking of ketchup aux fruits. Voici une recette provenant de passeport santé que je n'ai pas faite mais semble bien bonne: http://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Nutrition/Recettes/Fiche.aspx?doc=ketchup_fruits_erable_basilic_nu

bon congé

Mme Simonac

SylvieinMontreal said...

JLau, J'aurais du travailler sur mon terrain mais finalement j'ai décidé de travailler sur moi beaucoup plus productif!!! Super beau weekend!

SylvieinMontreal said...

Mme Simonac ... si j'étais toi, je ferais la recette et nous inviterais pour y goûter .... hi hi hi !

Anonymous said...

Allo les girls, moi j'arrive d'Aylmer, les gars ont passé le wk à cuisiner et moi à rien faire ;-) sauf un peu de, mais oui, magasinage le temps qu'ils fassent le marché et le shopping de vins! Par contre j'en paierai le prix car je devrais faire le ketchup cette semaine - ça été fou les tomates cette année!

SylvieinMontreal said...

Ouin, on a hâte de voir tes trouvailles sur Madame Magasine !!!

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