29 August 2011

Tortellini with artichokes

I read

Parmi toutes les perspectives qui nous font peur, ce sont l'infirmité et la mort qui nous terrorisent le plus.
Dr. Gordon Livings, N'arrête jamais de danser!

I translate:
Among all things in life that terrorize us, it is disability and death that are scaring us the most.

... therefore, I think!

... in other words, we choke.

Tortellini with artichokes
Prep: 5min     Cooking time: 25min     Serves: 6

  • 5 cups of cheese tortellini (fresh or frozen)
  • 2 medium jars of artichoke hearts (in water)
  • 1 cup 35% cream
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese
  • 1 small can tomato paste
  • 1 tsp of oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Parmesan cheese to taste

Boil tortellini according to package instructions. Drain. Reserve.

Drain artichokes and chop into thin strips.

In a large pot, mix artichokes, cream, spices, tomato paste and simmer for 15 minutes.
Add the tortellini and mix well to completely cover with the sauce.
Add the mozzarella cheese and toss.
Serve immediately.

Reference: Inspiration from Tortellini Gigi, but straight out of My Cabeza

28 August 2011

Strong women

I read

I've always loved strong women, which is lucky for me because once you're over twenty-five there is no other kind. Women blow my mind, the stuff that routinely gets done to them would make most men curl up and die, but women turn to steel and keep on coming. Any man who claims he's not into strong women is fooling himself mindless: he's into strong women who know how to pout prettily and put on baby voices, and who will end up keeping his balls in their makeup bags.

Faithful Place, Tana French

... therefore, I think!

Now, I understand when we are told to be "sweet" ... it's only for the image that we project in order to get what we want !! ??? I have such a hard time with this game.

We hear that we cannot be too nice; to be nice is a quality. However, the problem starts when we are "always" nice or too sweet. Just as a survival instinct, a person sometimes needs to put her/his foot down and say it as it is.

To be frank/honest without being abrupt, to be understanding without being condescending, to be sexy without being vulgar, to be funny without being offensive that what we should all aim for. I hate, yes you read it, I hate people who play the nice card ... all the time. I find them to be phony. I just cannot trust them. Don't know why it is just so.

They say that you should not trust anyone, but some people are even less trusted than others because of their behaviors  You might immediately think of someone who is mean or surly, but in actuality, there are two specific types of personalities that people mistrust: the too nice and the too funny.

When a person is too nice, it immediately puts other on guard. What is it that they really want? What are their motivations for being nice? We can’t fathom that someone would be so nice for no reason, so we assume that there just has to be some type of ulterior motive behind their behavior.

A perception can be a deception.

That also reminds me of something I have heard on the teleseries Mad Men: Episode Nixon-Kennedy.
"I don't understand. I try to do my job, I follow the rules and people hate me. Innocent people get hurt and other people, people who are not good, get to walk around doing whatever they want. It's not fair."

Think about it, it is often the brown nosers, the Smithers of this world that get away with it ... for a while!

Personally, I favor being yourself ... just be and be happy.

Source: Jamie Brown

26 August 2011

Weird people

I read

Online, things are so much more civilized. You can hide, run away. If your current brand is demolished, you can change usernames and relaunch.

Social Media, Alberta Views,
Fred Stenson July/Aug. 2011

... therefore, I think!

You know that they say that you do not have a second chance to make a first impression? Well, sometimes, I wonder what people are thinking.

So ... let me share with you a funny evening ...
Every year, I like to attend at least one show of the Just for Laugh Festival in Montreal. It is straight downtown, so I arrive a bit early, walk around, take pictures, sit down and look at people; sometimes it is even funnier than the stand up comic that I have paid to see !

We have all heard of the plumber's crack, if not, just type it in Google and you will have a variety of pictures some funny, some sexy, but you will get the gist. We are often seeing in men as not so pretty and in women as kinda sexy ... but sometimes, just sometimes ... it is not! Here is my first pic: OK, you may wonder why and how I took this picture without being seen ... but that is a completely different story.

Cracking up at the Just for Laugh Festival

Then, there is the couple that goes out and WANTS to be looked at. They are dressed to make a statement. They know they are different, they want to be different and if you do not notice them ... they would not be happy.

This couple is SO so out of ordinary people that you cannot miss them. 
They are different but in a way you can just admire them to be so bold and sure of themselves.
At first, I took pictures of them from a distance but ... I took my courage in both hands and yes ... walked to them ... Believe me not ... they were VERY happy that I wanted to talk about them here! 
The eyes, man, the eyes! Beam me up Scotty!

When I thought I had seen it all for one night, I grabbed a bite and headed for the show.
... and I still do not understand why a grown up man who has some sort of success in his career (in show business) would agree to go on stage in underwear the size of a Speedo !

The Naked Cowboy

Yes, that made people laugh ... what can I say ... a "small joke" always make people laugh !

I had a wonderful evening !

24 August 2011

Leda Chair, Dali

Femme à tête de roses, Dali
I read

Une chose qui vous inspire?
Une fleur qui pousse à travers une fissure d'asphalte. Cela me rappelle que la vitalité qui nous anime a des sources bien plus profondes qu'on ne le croit.
Hubert Reeves, Coup de Pouce, Sept. 2011

I translate:
One thing that inspires you?
A flower growing in a crack of the pavement. This reminds me of the vitality that excites us has sources much deeper that we think.

... therefore, I think!

In 1935, Salvador Dali painted Woman with a Head of Roses, depicting two women near a low table and a chair. 

During the same period, the Catalan artist joined forces with renowned Parisian decorator Jean-Michel Franck to design furniture, including the table and chair from the painting. They were named Leda after the jetsetter of Greek mythology whom Zeus, disguised as a swan, seduced. The furniture only went into production in 1990, however, and to honour the 20th anniversary of Daly's death, BD Barcelona reissued it in 2009 in a limited edition of 105, the age of surrealist artist would have reached that year. 

Do a search on the net to look at all the details of this chair ! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !!!

This furniture is sold at Galerie NuEdge in Montreal and Barbados.

Reference: Plaisir de vivre

22 August 2011

Jack Layton - Français

Pour, contre, on aime ou on aime pas mais le Canada a perdu un grand homme: Jack Layton
Très humain. M. Layton était le leader de l'opposition au gouvernement canadien.

Il est décédé aujourd'hui d'un cancer ... mais avant de partir, il nous a laissé ceci:

Le 20 août 2011, Toronto, Ontario
Chers amis,
Des dizaines de milliers de Canadiens m'ont fait parvenir des mots d'encouragement au cours des dernières semaines. Je tiens à remercier chacun d'entre vous pour vos cartes, vos notes et vos cadeaux si magnifiques, si inspirants, si attentionnés. Vos bons sentiments et votre amour ont éclairé mon foyer et ont renforcé mon courage et ma détermination.
Malheureusement, mes traitements n'ont pas eu les effets escomptés. Je remets donc cette lettre à Olivia afin qu'elle la partage avec vous dans l'éventualité où je ne pourrais continuer.
Je recommande que Nycole Turmel, députée de Hull-Aylmer, continue son travail à titre de chef intérimaire jusqu'à ce qu'une ou un successeur(e) soit élu(e).
Je recommande au parti de tenir un vote quant au leadership du parti le plus tôt possible dans la nouvelle année, en s'inspirant de l'échéancier de 2003, afin que notre nouveau ou nouvelle chef ait amplement le temps de reconsolider notre équipe, de renouveler notre parti et notre programme, et puisse aller de l'avant et se préparer pour la prochaine élection.
Quelques mots additionnels :
Aux Canadiens qui se battent contre le cancer pour continuer à profiter pleinement de la vie, je vous dis ceci : ne soyez pas découragés du fait que ma bataille n'ait pas eu le résultat espéré. Ne perdez pas votre propre espoir, car les thérapies et les traitements pour vaincre cette maladie n'ont jamais été aussi évolués. Vous avez raison d'être optimistes, déterminés et convaincus face à la maladie. Mon seul autre conseil est de chérir tous les moments passés auprès de ceux qui vous sont chers, comme j'ai eu la chance de le faire cet été.
Aux membres de mon parti : nous avons obtenu des résultats remarquables en travaillant ensemble au cours des huit dernières années. Ce fut un privilège d'être le chef du Nouveau Parti démocratique et je suis très reconnaissant pour votre confiance, votre appui et vos innombrables heures consacrées à notre cause. Il y a des gens qui vont essayer de vous convaincre d'abandonner notre cause. Mais cette dernière est bien plus grande qu'un chef. Répondez-leur en travaillant encore plus fort, avec une énergie et une détermination sans précédant. Rappelez-vous de notre fière tradition de justice sociale, de soins de santé universels, de régime de pensions publiques, et des efforts que nous faisons pour nous assurer que personne ne soit laissé pour compte. Continuons d'aller de l'avant. Démontrons dans tout ce que nous faisons au cours des quatre prochaines années que nous sommes prêts à servir les Canadiens en formant le prochain gouvernement.
Aux membres de notre caucus : j'ai eu le privilège de travailler avec chacun d'entre vous. Nos rencontres du caucus ont toujours été le moment fort de ma semaine. Cela a été mon rôle d'exiger le plus possible de votre part. Et maintenant je le fais à nouveau. Les Canadiens vous porteront une attention toute spéciale dans les mois à venir. Chers collègues, je sais que vous rendrez les dizaines de milliers de membres du NPD fiers en démontrant la même éthique de travail et la solidarité qui nous ont mérité la confiance de millions de Canadiens lors de la dernière élection.
À mes concitoyens québécois : le 2 mai dernier, vous avez pris une décision historique. Vous avez décidé qu'afin de remplacer le gouvernement fédéral conservateur du Canada par quelque chose de mieux, il fallait travailler ensemble, en collaboration avec les Canadiens progressistes de l'ensemble du pays. Vous avez pris la bonne décision à ce moment-là. C'est encore la bonne décision aujourd'hui et restera la bonne décision au cours des prochaines élections, lorsque nous réussirons, ensemble. Vous avez élu une superbe équipe de députés du NPD qui vous représenteront au Parlement. Ils vont réaliser des choses remarquables dans les années à venir afin de faire du Canada un meilleur pays pour nous tous.
Aux jeunes Canadiens : toute ma vie j'ai travaillé pour améliorer l'état des choses. L'espoir et l'optimisme ont caractérisé ma carrière politique, et je continue à être plein d'espoir et d'optimisme quant à l'avenir du Canada. Les jeunes Canadiens ont été une grande source d'inspiration pour moi. J'ai rencontré plusieurs d'entre vous et discuté avec vous de vos rêves, de vos frustrations, et de vos idées de changement. De plus en plus d'entre vous être impliqués en politique parce que vous voulez changer les choses pour le mieux. Plusieurs d'entre vous avez choisi de faire confiance à notre parti. Alors que ma carrière politique s'achève, j'aimerais vous transmettre toute ma conviction que vous avez le pouvoir de changer ce pays et le monde. Plusieurs défis vous attendent, de l'accablante nature des changements climatiques à l'injustice d'une économie qui laisse tant d'entre vous exclus de la richesse collective, en passant par les changements qui seront nécessaires pour bâtir un Canada plus solidaire et généreux. Votre énergie, votre vision et votre passion pour la justice sont exactement ce dont ce pays à aujourd'hui besoin. Vous devez être au coeur de notre économie, de notre vie politique, et de nos plans pour le présent et pour l'avenir.
Et finalement, j'aimerais rappeler à tous les Canadiens que le Canada est un magnifique pays, un pays qui représente les espoirs du monde entier. Mais nous pouvons bâtir un meilleur pays, un pays où l'égalité, la justice et les opportunités sont plus grandes. Nous pouvons bâtir une économie prospère et partager les avantages de notre société plus équitablement. Nous pouvons prendre mieux soin de nos aînés. Nous pouvons offrir à nos enfants de meilleures perspectives d'avenir. Nous pouvons faire notre part pour sauver l'environnement et la planète. Nous pouvons réhabiliter notre nom aux yeux du monde. Nous pouvons faire tout ça parce que nous avons enfin un système de partis politiques fédéraux qui nous offre de vrais choix; où notre vote compte; où en travaillant pour le changement on peu effectivement provoquer le changement. Dans les mois et les années à venir, le NPD vous proposera une nouvelle et captivante alternative. Mes collègues du parti forment une équipe impressionnante et dévouée. Écoutez-les bien, considérez les alternatives qu'ils proposent, et gardez en tête qu'en travaillant ensemble, nous pouvons avoir un meilleur pays, un pays plus juste et équitable. Ne laissez personne vous dire que ce n'est pas possible.
Mes amis, l'amour est cent fois meilleur que la haine. L'espoir est meilleur que la peur. L'optimisme est meilleur que le désespoir. Alors aimons, gardons espoir et restons optimistes. Et nous changerons le monde.
Jack Layton

Jack Layton - English

For him, against him, that you like him or not, Canada has lost a great man: Jack Layton.
Very human. Mr. Layton was the opposition leader at the Canadian Government.
He died today of cancer ... but before going, he had this to share:

August 20, 2011
Toronto, Ontario
Dear Friends,
Tens of thousands of Canadians have written to me in recent weeks to wish me well. I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughtful, inspiring and often beautiful notes, cards and gifts. Your spirit and love have lit up my home, my spirit, and my determination.
Unfortunately my treatment has not worked out as I hoped. So I am giving this letter to my partner Olivia to share with you in the circumstance in which I cannot continue.
I recommend that Hull-Aylmer MP Nycole Turmel continue her work as our interim leader until a permanent successor is elected.
I recommend the party hold a leadership vote as early as possible in the New Year, on approximately the same timelines as in 2003, so that our new leader has ample time to reconsolidate our team, renew our party and our program, and move forward towards the next election.
A few additional thoughts:
To other Canadians who are on journeys to defeat cancer and to live their lives, I say this: please don’t be discouraged that my own journey hasn’t gone as well as I had hoped. You must not lose your own hope. Treatments and therapies have never been better in the face of this disease. You have every reason to be optimistic, determined, and focused on the future. My only other advice is to cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey, as I have done this summer.
To the members of my party: we’ve done remarkable things together in the past eight years. It has been a privilege to lead the New Democratic Party and I am most grateful for your confidence, your support, and the endless hours of volunteer commitment you have devoted to our cause. There will be those who will try to persuade you to give up our cause. But that cause is much bigger than any one leader. Answer them by recommitting with energy and determination to our work. Remember our proud history of social justice, universal health care, public pensions and making sure no one is left behind. Let’s continue to move forward. Let’s demonstrate in everything we do in the four years before us that we are ready to serve our beloved Canada as its next government.
To the members of our parliamentary caucus: I have been privileged to work with each and every one of you. Our caucus meetings were always the highlight of my week. It has been my role to ask a great deal from you. And now I am going to do so again. Canadians will be closely watching you in the months to come. Colleagues, I know you will make the tens of thousands of members of our party proud of you by demonstrating the same seamless teamwork and solidarity that has earned us the confidence of millions of Canadians in the recent election.
To my fellow Quebecers: On May 2nd, you made an historic decision. You decided that the way to replace Canada’s Conservative federal government with something better was by working together in partnership with progressive-minded Canadians across the country. You made the right decision then; it is still the right decision today; and it will be the right decision right through to the next election, when we will succeed, together. You have elected a superb team of New Democrats to Parliament. They are going to be doing remarkable things in the years to come to make this country better for us all.
To young Canadians: All my life I have worked to make things better. Hope and optimism have defined my political career, and I continue to be hopeful and optimistic about Canada. Young people have been a great source of inspiration for me. I have met and talked with so many of you about your dreams, your frustrations, and your ideas for change. More and more, you are engaging in politics because you want to change things for the better. Many of you have placed your trust in our party. As my time in political life draws to a close I want to share with you my belief in your power to change this country and this world. There are great challenges before you, from the overwhelming nature of climate change to the unfairness of an economy that excludes so many from our collective wealth, and the changes necessary to build a more inclusive and generous Canada. I believe in you. Your energy, your vision, your passion for justice are exactly what this country needs today. You need to be at the heart of our economy, our political life, and our plans for the present and the future.
And finally, to all Canadians: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world. We can be a better one – a country of greater equality, justice, and opportunity. We can build a prosperous economy and a society that shares its benefits more fairly. We can look after our seniors. We can offer better futures for our children. We can do our part to save the world’s environment. We can restore our good name in the world. We can do all of these things because we finally have a party system at the national level where there are real choices; where your vote matters; where working for change can actually bring about change. In the months and years to come, New Democrats will put a compelling new alternative to you. My colleagues in our party are an impressive, committed team. Give them a careful hearing; consider the alternatives; and consider that we can be a better, fairer, more equal country by working together. Don’t let them tell you it can’t be done.
My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.
All my very best,
Jack Layton

Spanish Saffron Chicken & Rice

I read ...

Too much analysis gets you in paralysis

... therefore, I think!

Sometimes you like, just because.

Wine pairing:
In red: Oregon Pinot Noir
In white: American Chardonnay or Bourgogne aligoté

Spanish Saffron Chicken and Rice
Prep: 15 min     Cooking time: 20-30 min     Serves: 6

  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 chicken thighs
  • 6 chicken drumsticks
  • 1 large red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 large green bell pepper, seeded, two-thirds diced and one-third sliced thinly
  • 3 teaspoons sweet paprika
  • 14on tin diced tomatoes
  • 275g paella or Arborio rice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground saffron

Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large deep frying pan over high heat. Season the chicken pieces well and brown in batches. remove the chicken from the pan.

Reduce the pan to medium heat and add remaining oil. Add the onion and the diced green bell pepper and cook gently for 5 minutes. Stir in the paprika and cook for 30 seconds. Add the tomato and simmer for 1-3 minutes, or until it thickens.

Stir 875 ml boiling water into the pan, then add the rice and saffron. Return the chicken to the pan and stir to combine. Season, to taste. Bring to the boil and cover. Reduce heat to medium-low and then simmer for 20-30 minutes, or until all the liquid has been absorbed and the chicken is tender. Stir in the thinly sliced green pepper, then allow to stand, covered, for 3-4 minutes before serving.

Source: Great Tastes Comfort Food

21 August 2011

Happiness, every day.

I read

Le beurre d'érable, c'est comme l'insouciance fleurie de l'enfance en petit pot. Le bonheur extra tendre.
Mon Québec dans une valise.

Châtelaine, Mai 2011

I translate:
Maple butter is like a flowery carefreeness of childhood in a little jar. Happiness at it's best.

... therefore, I think!

For some it is just a fact of life, for others it always seems to be hard to find.
One day, a friend told me her thinking on the subject: "Do you want to be right, or you want to be happy?" It became mine.

Here are some tips to be happier ...

Be more appreciative:
Every single little sign of happiness helps. Learn to recognize and appreciate them for what they are.

Do not stay mad. Do not nurture anger. Do not go to bed pissed off.

Concentrate on the verb to be:
To be and to be alive. Not only breathing, but living.
Everything is moving too fast and by always running, we end up forgetting the essential: The euphoria of inertia. Learn to give yourselves time ... to do nothing. This is not losing your time, it is time well invested to think, dream, meditate, be.

Now time. Not dreaming of what it was, or what it could be; just breathe in your life now.
Breathe deeply.
Stop thinking too much, too much mental work ... all the time can be burdensome. Do not try to plan everything. Leave some room for unexpectedness.

See and recognize every little moments of happiness.
Happiness is a choice, not a goal.
As I read: Put on your pink glasses and start hunting for happiness.

Learn to say thank you:
You can say it, write it, show it, but do it!

Be there:
The more we give, the better we feel.

List your little moments of joy:
Write down, everyday, week or month, 3 things that you should be grateful for.

Now, go and be happy my friends.

Reference: Châtelaine

19 August 2011

Crate & Barrel

I read

Crate and Barrel has set its sights on Quebec. Known for its furniture, décor accessories and kitchenware, the 25,000-square-foot Crate and Barrel store at Carrefour Laval is scheduled to open its doors next spring. Construction is to start next week. This will be Canada's fifth Crate and Barrel store, the company's first in Quebec and the first to be located in a Cadillac Fairview shopping centre.
Crate and Barrel anticipates hiring approximately 50 workers.
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/Crate+Barrel+opens+spring/5209504/story.html#ixzz1VOg7GkSu

... therefore, I think!

This is a picture of the store from the '60s ... you can see where the name originates from ! Crates & Barrels!

Today, you can order worldwide from the internet site .com
There are already 4 stores in Canada, one more to open in the fall and THE one in Montreal (Laval) in spring 2012. What could I compare it to? Pier 1 Import? IKEA without the put together part?  Cost Plus World Market from global bazaars to you (my favorite) ?

I really like this store, it used to go there often when I was living in the USA.
It is modern, class, good quality, and reasonable pricing ... 

Can't wait to go see ...

17 August 2011

Holyfields - Time to eat

I've traveled to Berlin

and ate at Holyfields

... therefore, I think!

In time of technology, iPads and iPhones the concept is great! There are NO waiters, but it also not a fast food setting.
The food was very good, the service also good (although for the non-initiated ... it should have been better explained, but I do not speak German so I cannot really complain, someone was nice enough to speak to me in English).

So, how does it work? Touch screen Baby!

You enter the restaurant and go to one of the stations to order.
Hum, The first choice ...

Lunch, breakfast, dessert? what will it be?

My companion stopped his choice on beef !

Once the choice is done ... Thank you and Bon appétit !

At that point, you are given a pager.
You can go get your drinks at the bar, pick a table and then ...

Walk toward the back !

Nice !

Nice open ceilings with natural lighting

To quench your thirst ... Holy water from the tap

When your pager start buzzing ... 
you go to the food station where one of the "apostles" will give you your meal!

et Voilà !

Looks pretty much as seen on the ordering screen ! WOW!

Mine, an avocado burger.

Overall, a very good experience of cafeteria style restaurant with no cafeteria food !
It was very tasty. You go to Berlin, try this one.

15 August 2011

Olive Tapenade

I read

How often should you apply sunscreen? If the instructions say "reapply often," does that mean twice an hour or twice a day? It depends on the type of sunscreen, how sensitive your skin is, and what activities you'll be doing. You should reapply sunscreen at least every two hours, or every hour if you're sweating a lot.

... therefore, I think!

Now that summer is almost over, the sun is not as strong but one shall not forget to spread some sunscreen on when doing some outdoors activities.

Talking about spread ... I've done this tapenade that is quite good.
Quick, easy, tasty.
Nice appetizer.

Pairing Wine: Napa Cabernet

Olive tapenade

Prep: 10 minutes Cooking time: 0

  • 375 ml of pimento-stuffed green olives, chopped
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • Tabasco
  • 6 sun dried red tomatoes,
  • Salt and pepper

Put all the ingredients  in a food processor or blender until fairly smooth consistency (like "caviar") or according to taste. The mixture should be spread easily. If necessary, adjust the quantity of oil.

Refrigerate until ready to serve

Source: Ma Cabeza