08 July 2011


I visited


... therefore, I think!

My first stop in Switzerland was in Zurich.
My flight left Montreal at 5pm (GMT-2) ... arrived in Zurich at 6am (GMT+2) ... that will be a long day. If I want to be the jet-lag, I have to stay awake until at least 8pm!
As usual when visiting a new place, I have walked and walked and walked some more throughout town and took soooooooooo many pictures!

Sometimes, I wonder what we used to do when we did not have digital cameras. Maybe we were just enjoying more what we were seeing at the present moment, while now we try to capture as much as we can to look later ... anyway, I have tried to enjoy my trip as much as possible and bring back memories (for when I will be "parked" !)

Sometimes, streets just split ... you arrive at a point and the street you were on just disappear to make way to two new ones. Easy when you know where you are going, but if you have ever had to follow a tourist map to find your way ... you will remember that it happens that not all streets are on the map !
Anyway, I arrived at an interesting intersection: Newmarkt and Speigelgasse. After I found it, it was obvious when I wanted to go but the signs are in fact behind a big tree in from a restaurant full of tables, people, delivery trucks and more and more.
This van was also at the "corner" of the streets
I thought that the drawing was quite nice, until I arrived
closer and realized that it was in fact made with picture
similar to the ones we find on Facebook!

Near by the lake I found a cute restaurant where all the chairs are different colors. It was so lively.
I have taken the picture of the river to show how clear the water is ! another wow!

You talk about water, you almost cannot avoid birds.
In Rome you do like Romans. So around lunch time, I've stopped to one of the many stores, take-our restaurants and bought few things to go for lunch at the lake.

New Friends with whom I've shared part of my lunch.

Interestingly, while I was taking these pictures, my friend JJP was commenting her garden.
I know these pictures are not necessarily for a private garden, but I thought of sharing because there are some very interesting ideas that I may in fact try at home. We always see begonias in flower beds, but don't you think that the "begonia trees" are interesting? I can see that for someone who has a small yard or on a balcony, just needs lots of water.

The other 3 pictures are really for JJP. Ideas. The sheep's skin on the chair, hum! Vines, I would not recommend it on a house if you do not have brick walls. My house's previous owner has done so and decided to remove them ... bad, bad idea specially since the wall was NOT a brick one! 

More traveling souvenirs to come !

6 commentaires:

JJP said...

Allo la voyageuse! Ça semble bien intéressant tes petites (et longues) promenades en Suisse! Disons que dans mon cas avec des rues de ce genre je serais encore quelque part là-bas en train de tourner en rond ;-)
J'aime bien les fleurs-arbustes en pot! Ça fait de jolis îlots de verdure... Mais pour la vigne pas sûr... C'est beau mais trop envahissant à mon goût!

SylvieinMontreal said...

Je n'aurais pas de vigne sur ma maison mais je trouve toujours ça beau ! J'ai bien aimé les deux fleurs en pierre ça pourrait être beau à l'entrée d'un jardin ... ça me donne des idée pour refaire le terrain où était ma piscine.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour! Nous avons eu des vignes sur le côté de notre maison familiale et ma soeur et moi sommes unanimes, nous n'en aurons plus jamais. La quantité d'oiseaux qui viennent y nicher et les excréments qui s'en suivent ont rendu les vignes beaucoup moins bucoliques!!! C'est beau sur les photos et chez les autres!!! J'aime vraiment la tour/le topiaire de bégonias.
Ça serait beau une terasse en pierre avec les deux fleurs! Superbe idée. JLAU

SylvieinMontreal said...

Je n'avais jamais pensé aux oiseaux et les cadeaux qu'ils puissent laisser ... non vraiment les vignes ce n'est pas pour moi sauf comme tu dis chez les autres !

Triskkele said...

Pour les rues, ça me fait un peu penser aux traboules à Lyon qui sont des sortes de passages sous immeubles qui relient une rue à l'autre. Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, la Gestapo ne s'aventurait pas dans ces secteurs où elle était sûr de se perdre et être perdue face aux résistants.


Anecdote :
Goscinny et Uderzo dans le Tour de Gaule d'Asterix font allusions aux petits "problèmes" rencontrés par les allemands face aux résistants quand ils sont à Lugdunum.

SylvieinMontreal said...

Ah je ne savais pas ça! Je vais faire plus attention la prochaine fois que je suis en Europe. J'ai vu tout plein de rue (Traboules) mais je ne savais pas que c'était ce que c'est !! ;-)

Après mon études sur les portes, j'en ferai peut-être une sur les Traboules!

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