17 June 2011

Story of the Flying Bear

I read

Two people were killed Monday after a freak series of collisions sent a 300-pound bear rocketing through their SUV on a rural road in Quebec. The driver of the SUV, a 25-year-old Gatineau woman, and a passenger, a 40-year-old Ottawa man, died on impact. A second passenger, the driver’s boyfriend, was sent to hospital with minor injuries.
A young bear had shuffled onto Highway 148 about 50 kilometers northwest of Ottawa when it was hit by an eastbound car. The car, a Pontiac Sunfire, flipped the bear into the air on impact and into the path of a Nissan Pathfinder in the opposing westbound lane.
Coming down, it (the bear) hit the windshield at a certain angle and went right through, hit the driver, hit the passenger sitting behind her and went through the back window.

... therefore, I think!
What? Can you believe how unlucky you have to be ! I have heard of people dying while the car hit a moose, but a bear ??? For me it is a first.
It is not all that unusual to see bear crossing back in the country (where there is bear I mean ... but for non-Canadians, seeing a bear does not happen everyday, it's like igloos and Native Indians in traditional gear ... not everyday).

OK, stop laughing now. Believe me, I have heard the weirdest comments from Europeans ... well, I should specify by French people, it can be insulting for others to put them all in the same boat. OK OK let's say Parisian ! It is incredible but I sometimes I really wonder ...
How many heard about the big spaces, the Native Indians, the Igloos ... they have NO concepts on distance. They come to visit for a week, ok let's say 10 days, and they expect to see:
  1. Rocher Percé in Gaspésie
  2. Lac St-Jean
  3. Québec City
  4. Montréal
  5. Niagara Falls
  6. The Rockies, Banff AB let's say ...
... if there is still time, Vancouver would also be nice to see and maybe they will swing by Boston or New York City if they can stretch it! (yes you can click on each above link to be directed to Tourist site)

Just thinking about it, it tires me ! Just in case it still has eluded some of you, France can fit 2,8 times in the Province of Quebec ! There are 4 634 km between Percé and Banff Alberta, that's 2 days and 13 hours of driving 24 hrs a day !!! Hellooooooooooooooooooooo ... you will have to make more than one trip to see everything.

Wishing you a good time in Canada ... and careful to whatever crosses your road ! ;-)

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